IN'DEPENDENT': A Poem by Bhavya shree v


She's born ,
They wrapped her in a PINK blanket
No smiling faces
Only sombre expressions.
Words of curses
Hit on her
Raw body ;
Just laboured body.

But HE was flying
'HE'R elder one.
He gave his precious car and gun to the neonate.

A swift roaring from a side
What impudence ?
She has to hold kitchen set and a barbie doll.
Keep it aside.
Infuriated voices.

But why can't she hold it for a while.
Look at her ,she just loving it.
Inexperienced said.

Heated glare on him.

He curled up to his mother.
Looked at the suckling.

Ammma, Why are they annoyed?
How loveable she is ,like you.

Because your amma is a dependent .

She would only fly
Whe she will be

Can she be really an

Yes, she will be an
In'dependent' soon ;
an In'dependent'...

About the Author

Poet and teacher, Bhavya Shree V was born in the beautiful village of Paravadukkam in Kasargod district. Following graduation and teacher training, she decided to pursue a career as an English language and literature teacher. She hopes and longs for the readers to have a deeper grasp of Marginalised Sections and therefore, focussed on herself as a bilingual poet of social and personal realism in minimalist poetry.Two of her realistic poems, ""Funeral"" and ""Labour Room,"" were published in the online journal Holistic Pine, with the latter winning the ""Readers Choice Award."" Also featured as one of the five inspiring women shaping the literary landscape in holistic pine. And she has marked her excellency by authoring poems in both English and Malayalam, which have been published on her blog She is the daughter of Mr. Vasudevan Nambiar and Bharathi M. She is married to Mr. Krishna Kumar A and they have a kid as well.


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