The Journey of a Writer: Patrichia Dcruze

The Holistic Pine International Independent Lifestyle journal recently announced The Holistic Pine Inspiring Pioneers of 2024, “showcasing stories of remarkable individuals who have made significant impacts through their work and have become beacons for others to follow.” In the first part, they shared the story of Patrichia Dcruze. Read the full story below:


Patrichia Dcruze is a thinker, listener, and passionate writer whose journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Patrichia’s love for writing ignited unexpectedly during her school years, with a simple essay on rain that earned praise from her tutor. This early encouragement sparked a lifelong passion for words. Despite the interruptions of life’s demands, Patrichia’s love for writing re-emerged during her B.Ed studies, thanks to a professor who reignited her dormant creativity. Her return to writing filled her once-empty pages with evocative poetry and prose.

A passionate blogger and fiction writer, Patrichia has garnered accolades in poetry and story writing competitions. Her works have graced numerous co-author publications and literary platforms, affirming her talent and dedication. Her poetry collections, including titles such as The Soul that Weaveth and An Adventure Called LIFE, reflect her profound engagement with language and emotion.

Beyond writing, Patrichia is deeply committed to fostering creativity in others. She organizes and hosts poetry workshops for all ages, both online and offline, with enthusiastic feedback from participants. Her involvement with Lampshade Writers, a community of poets and writers, underscores her dedication to promoting literary arts.

In her personal time, Patrichia embraces her artistic side through painting, candle making, and traveling, believing that meeting new people and exploring new ideas enriches her creative process.

Patrichia’s belief in the transformative power of love, passion, and zeal drives her work and life philosophy. As she puts it, “Love, passion, and zeal mixed together create magic. If you are passionate about something, put love and zeal into it, and you will achieve your dreams!”

For more about Patrichia Dcruze and her work, you can connect with her on InstagramLinkedInTwitterFacebook, and her website.


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